知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily
知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily


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知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily



原标题:WIPO中国:知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例(系列报道5)---IPR Daily

WIPO China: Best Case on Intellectual Property Empowers SMEs Innovation and Development (Series 5)---IPR Daily

知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily

为庆祝2021年世界知识产权日,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)开展了一系列活动,包括中小企业使用知识产权案例研究。WIPO中小企业利用知识产权案例研究活动得到各方的大力支持和积极参与,WIPO中国办事处也收到中方合作伙伴推荐的30余个中小企业优秀案例。这些案例研究讲述了中国的中小企业在利用知识产权将创意转化为商机并创造价值的精彩故事。今天我们为大家带来IPR Daily的故事!

WIPO has organized campaign events to celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day (WIPD) 2021, including the Case Studies on the use of IP for SMEs. WIPO Case Studies on the use of IP for SMES has received strong support and active participation, and the WIPO China Office (WOC) has received over 30 excellent SME cases recommended by Chinese partners. These case studies tell fascinating stories of Chinese SMEs using IP to turn their  ideas into business opportunities and generate value. Today, we are pleased to present the story of IPR Daily. 

知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily

IPR Daily是具有全球影响力的知识产权产业媒体,致力于连接全球知识产权与科技创新人才、聚合创新相关的知识产权、法律、科技中介、投融资及咨询服务。汇聚了来自于中国、美国、欧洲、俄罗斯、以色列、澳大利亚、新加坡、日本、韩国等15个国家和地区的高科技公司及成长型科技企业的管理者及科技研发或知识产权负责人,还有来自政府、律师及代理事务所、研发或服务机构的全球超过100万用户(国内70余万+,海外近30万),2020年全年全网页面浏览量已经突破亿次。

As a globally influential intellectual property (IP)media, IPR Daily is committed to connecting the global IP owners. Its users cover IP executives, R&D personnel, and legal personnel in high-tech companies and growing technology enterprises from a total of 15 countries and regions including China, the U.S., Germany, Russia, Israel, Australia, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea, as well as more than 1,000,000 industry users (700,000 from China, while 300,000 from abroad) including governmental agencies, law firms, business premises and academic institutions across the globe. The number of full page views for the year 2020 has exceeded 100 million. 

IPR Daily以科技为信仰,以推动知识经济全球化为己任。现已发展成为中国最具影响力的连接科技的知识产权和技术创新综合服务平台。IPR Daily为创新和传统产业升级提供专家服务,为市场决策者构建完整的信息网络。

IPR Daily regards science and technology as its faith, and considers promoting the globalization of knowledge economy to be its mission. Now it has developed into the most influential and comprehensive service platform for intellectual property and technological innovation linking science and technology. IPR Daily provides expert services for innovation and the upgrading of traditional industries, thus to build a complete information network for market decision makers.

知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily


What have been the biggest challenges you faced in bringing your idea to market?

IPR Daily作为一个知识产权产业媒体,将创意推向市场,本质就是一个创意传播的问题。最大的挑战是如何基于受众圈层的核心价值去做好内容规划和因时利导,从而去实现知识产权和科技创新人才的连接。在这个过程中,既要明确自己的业务目标,又要平衡好受众需求。这是一项细致、系统的工程,我们既要兼顾好社会效益又要顾及经济效益。

As an intellectual property industry media, IPR daily brings creativity to the market, which in essence is a problem of creativity communication. The biggest challenge is how to do well in content planning and timely guidance based on the core value of audience circle, so as to realize the link between intellectual property and  technological innovation talents. In this process, not only the business objectives should be clarified, but also the needs of the audience should be balanced. This is a meticulous and systematic project and we should take both social and economic benefits into account.


At what point did you realize IP could support your business?

IPR Daily成立于2014年,致力于为创新型创业者、投资人和知识产权从业者提供知识产权资讯,对接匹配度较高的企业资源,搭建触及全球范围的知识产权合作平台。知识产权是IPR Daily商业布局的核心,是基于时代发展的大背景。随着国家对创新驱动发展战略的不断推动,企业通过创新形成自己的品牌影响力,知识产权在这个过程中发挥的效用越来越显著。同时,知识产权人才队伍也在不断地发展壮大,他们有着对及时、便捷且高质量的知识产权资讯的需求,企业也需要寻找一个资源丰富且具有一定公信力的大平台。而我们希望把IPR Daily打造成一个符合市场需求的平台。

IPR daily, founded in 2014, is committed to providing intellectual property information for innovative entrepreneurs, investors and intellectual property practitioners, connecting with highly matched enterprise resources, and building a global intellectual property cooperation platform. Intellectual property is the core of IPR Daily business layout, which is based on the general background of the development of the times. With the continuous promotion of the national innovation driven development strategy, enterprises are forming their own brand influence through innovation, and intellectual property plays an increasingly significant role in this process. At the same time, the team of intellectual property talents is growing,which has the demand for timely, convenient and high-quality intellectual propert

知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily


How are you using IP rights and how have they helped your business?

我们通过IPR Daily构建全球知识产权资产信息第一入口,已获得近100万条高质量的技术资源+专利资源。在媒体服务方面,我们在线上进行与知识产权相关的内容运营,包括品牌推广、内容定制、PR公关等,也会对一些产业榜单、机构榜单等进行排名;在线下,开展诸如生态大会、产业峰会、四二六人才发展院这样的会议活动和培训教育。面向海外,我们与1000家海外机构建立了合作关系,用最靠谱和最具价格优势的海外渠道,服务走出去的企业。另外,也会开展像IP许可、转让、出海风控等企业服务,与政府建立合作关系,进行专家库的搭建和招商评审。与此同时,我们还开展一系列的行业研究活动以及人才培训交流活动。

Through IPR Daily,we have built the first portal of global intellectual property asset information, and obtained nearly 1 million high-quality technology resources and patent resources. In terms of media services, we have conducted online content operations related to intellectual property rights, including brand promotion, content customization, public relations and have provided ranking lists of industry and organizaitons. We have also conducted offline conference activities and training education such as ecological conference, industry summit, 4.26 Talent Development Institute, etc. We have established cooperative relations with 1,000 institutions overseas so as to serve the enterprises going abroad with the advantages of the most reliable and affordable overseas channel. In addition, we have carried out enterprise services such as IP licensing, transfer and overseas business risk management,established cooperation with the government,built expert database and conducted investment evaluation. Furthermore, we have conducted a series of industry research activities as well as talent training and exchange activities.


Was it easy to get hold of the information you needed to secure IP rights?


In the Internet Era, the establishment of various databases provides us with very convenient access to obtain information related to intellectual property services and policies. The widespread social media platforms also provide a shortcut to relevant information. Through these platforms, we can easily get to know informaiton of trademark, patent, domestic and foreign policy trends, relevant laws and so on,which provides the driving force for our content production.

知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily


What are the main lessons you have learned from taking your idea to market?


In the process of bringing creativity to the market, the key is to constantly adjust to the dynamic changes in reality. Initial strategy of creative promotion has been made in the beginning, but it is not unchangeable. Policy orientation, government dynamics and market environment are all in a constantly changing process. Therefore, it is necessary to do the local and situational approach to bring the creativity to the market. 


How would you like to see the IP system evolve?


Chinese government has attached more and more importance to intellectual property work, emphasizing the need to advocate innovative culture and strengthen the creation, protection and exploitation of intellectual property. The future development of intellectual property system will continue to meet the requirements of China's construction of an innovative country and high-quality development, and make adjustments to the new situation and tasks. With the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the world has been marked by great changes unseen in a century, with technological innovation being one of the key variables, which requires the intellectual property system to provide corresponding support in accordance with the situation. China's intellectual property work is also changing from the pursuit of quantity to the pursuit of quality, and the future development of the intellectual property system will continue to strengthen international cooperation in intellectual property protection while proactively adapting to national development.


What are your plans for the future?

知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily

知识产权事业发展离不开对知识产权的重视、保护、运用、服务及合作。为更好推动国内外的合作与知识产权的价值流动与实现,未来IPR Daily将继续积极做好媒体宣传+人才培养和涉外渠道+业务打包服务,与广大机构合力打造一体化的服务生态。以外,知识产权发展离不开人才的培养、提升及流动,对知识产权日益增长使用需要更多复合型的人才。人才的交流、提升与流通有利于推动知识产权事业的发展,IPR Daily将进一步加强人才沟通、交流、培训、提升、流动的平台的建设,帮助更多创新企业运用知识产权,提升企业发展速度与竞争力。

The development of the intellectual property course cannot be seperated from the emphasis, protection, application, service and cooperation of intellectual property. In order to better foster domestic and international cooperation and the value flow and realization of intellectual property rights, IPR Daily will continue to actively promote media advocacy, talent training, foreign channels and business packaging services, and cooperate with majority institutions to create integrated service ecology. In addition, the development of intellectual property is inseperable from the cultivation, promotion and flow of talents, and the increasing use of intellectual property in China requires more inter-disciplinary talents. The exchange, promotion and circulation of talents are conducive to the development of IPR business. IPR Daily will further strengthen the platform of communication, exchange, training, promotion and circulation of talents to help more innovative enterprises use IPR and enhance the speed and competitiveness of their development.

未来,IPR Daily将不忘初心,持续进行尝试,拓宽知识产权行业的影响力,立足具有影响力的平台,逐步打造知识产权服务与运用的生态,拓展行业版图,不断助力行业良性、高速发展。不管未来如何,创业者都有一个使命,就是为行业做贡献,有与时代同行的决心和勇气。

In the future, IPR daily will remain true to its original aspiration and continue trying to extend the influence of the intellectual property industry,establish itself in the influential platform, gradually build an ecosystem of intellectual property service and application, expand the industry territory, and constantly foster the benign and high-speed development of the industry. No matter what the future holds, entrepreneurs have a mission to contribute to the industry and have the determination and courage to walk with the times.



编辑:IPRdaily王颖          校对:IPRdaily纵横君

知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily


知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily


知识产权赋能中小企业创新发展优秀案例 | IPR Daily



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