原标题:小米和MPEG LA宣布小米签署了MPEG LA的HEVC许可协议
IPRdaily消息:世界知识产权许可领导者MPEG LA,LLC(“ MPEG LA”)以及智能手机和其他智能产品的国际领先供应商小米今天宣布,小米已成为MPEG LA的HEVC专利组合许可(“ HEVC许可”)的被许可方。小米的知识产权战略和全球业务发展副总裁Paul Lin表示,小米强烈鼓励合并成一个池,为整个HEVC标准提供公平合理的使用费。
世界知识产权许可领导者MPEG LA,LLC(“ MPEG LA”)以及智能手机和其他智能产品的国际领先供应商小米今天宣布,小米已成为MPEG LA的HEVC专利组合许可(“ HEVC许可”)的被许可方。
MPEG LA的HEVC许可使全球获得HEVC数字视频编码标准(也称为H.265和MPEG- h第2部分)的基本专利权,从而提高了用于互联网、电视和移动传输接收及使用等方面的编码和解码视频的消费品的速度和效率。
“小米加入了MPEG LA的HEVC专利组合许可的大约350个被许可方行列,进一步证明了该许可公平合理,被广泛接受”MPEG LA总裁兼首席执行官拉里·霍恩(Larry Horn)表示,“在全球所有市场中,HEVC技术所包含的所有产品的许可费用与可承受的专利使用费和明确的非歧视条款是相同的,而MPEG LA的目标是在相同的合理专利使用费下,尽可能多地包含HEVC基本专利。”
“像小米这样的HEVC技术的重要实现者收到了加入多个HEVC专利池的邀请。虽然小米认为池许可方法可以非常有效,但多个专利池对技术实施者造成了有害的许可费堆积问题。因此,小米强烈鼓励合并成一个池,为整个HEVC标准提供公平合理的使用费。”小米的知识产权战略和全球业务发展副总裁Paul Lin说。
Xiaomi and MPEG LA Announce Xiaomi’s Signing of MPEG LA’s HEVC License
MPEG LA is the world’s leading packager and provider of one-stop licenses for standards and other technology platforms. We developed the pool market space. Our “many-to-many licensing model” has revolutionized the way patent holders, developers and users think about the intellectual property market creating reasonable access and profitable opportunities for everyone.
By assisting users with implementation of their technology choices, MPEG LA offers licensing solutions that provide access to fundamental intellectual property, freedom to operate, reduced litigation risk and predictability in the business planning process. In turn, this enables inventors, research institutions and other technology owners to monetize and speed market adoption of their assets to a worldwide market while substantially reducing the cost of licensing.
MPEG LA licensing programs consisting of thousands of patents owned by hundreds of patent holders in nearly 100 countries with over 6,000 licensees have helped produce some of the most widely used standards in consumer electronics history, and are expanding access to other technology areas.(原英文文章来源:www.mpegla.com)
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